Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tourism : Menara Kudus

Tourism Menara Kudus is located about 1.5 km to the west from the center of the Kudus city (Alon-alon Simpang Tujuh) Central Java - Indonesia. Menara Kudus is worth the monumental buildings and historical arkeologis high. Based on scientific research is the Tower of the Kudus culture of the ancient Javanese Hindu and Islam. Holy tower was built by sheikh Ja'far Shodiq on 1685 M.

Kudus is the smallest district in Central Java with a total area of 42,516 ha is divided into 9 districts. Kudus is the local industry and trade, where this sector is able to absorb many labor and provide a major contribution to the GDP. Entrepreneurial spirit and the spirit of the community recognized tough, motto jigang (ngaji dagang) owned by the public to reveal the characters where in addition to running the business also seek economic science.

View from the field of tourism investment opportunities, in the Kudus District, there are several potential that can be developed either nature tourism, cultural tourism and religious tourism. Agribusiness field also gives the image Kudus agriculture. Pamelo orange and Duku is a source of local fruit that does not want to lose out to compete with other regions.

In the case of arts and culture, Kudus have a characteristic of Kudus differentiate with other regions. Among them is the art of custom home Kudus architecture , product uniqueness and gebyog Kudus embroidery. Diversity potential of the Holy expected to attract people outside are willing to attend Kudus.
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